Hi! I am Megan and I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner as well as a Registered Nurse.

My intrigue and love for a whole food diet were sparked by a need to change my oldest son, Ezekiel’s diet. He suffered from severe skin rashes, eczema, difficulty focusing, and sinus issues. I have personally seen the power of real food to heal my son’s body as well as revitalize our whole family.

I currently serve in-person clients in Cincinnati, Ohio, and serve all others online from around the US.

I'm extremely passionate about helping others apply holistic nutrition principles to their life to feel their best on a day to day basis.  I take a foundational approach to wellness by focusing on a properly prepared nutrient diet, digestion, hydration, blood sugar regulation, mineral balance, and fatty acid balance.

I also teach RESTART® classes. RESTART® is a small group program that is part education, part sugar detox, and part support group to help curb sugar cravings, reduce inflammation, and increase energy.

Learn more about the RESTART® program here.

Megan & Joseph Lewin
The Lewin Family

I am not a doctor therefore I am not licensed to diagnose or treat health conditions, illnesses, injuries, or diseases. I will help you work with whole foods and supplements to give your body readily available nutrients that it needs. This is not to be misconstrued with medical advice. If you suffer from a medical condition, please consult with your doctor before working with me. A nutritional therapy practitioner is not in any way a substitute for having a primary care family doctor.
